本节为第三卷的参考文献,主要内容大都是和宇宙学与星际旅行相关的,作者其实也不是这个方向的所以只能读个大概了。有兴趣可以细看。 1. Wyngaard, J. C.(2010). Turbulence in the Atmosphere. Cambridge University Press. 2. Guma, V. I., Demidov, A. M., Ivanov, V. A.,& Miller, V. V.(1984). Neutron radiation analysis. 3. Gray, L.(1944, March). The ionization method of measuring neutron energy. In Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 72-102). Cambridge University Press. 4. Grosshoeg, G.(1979). Neutron ionization chambers. Nuclear instruments and Methods, 162(1-3), 125-160. 5. Misner, C. W.(1960). Wormhole initial conditions. Physical Review, 118(4), 1110. 6. Ohgami, T.,& Sakai, N.(2015). Wormhole shadows. Physical Review D, 91(12), 124020. 7. James, O., von Tunzelmann, E., Franklin, P.,& Thorne, K. S.(2015). Visualizing Interstellar''s wormhole. American Journal of Physics, 83(6), 486-499. 8. Sen, A.(2002). Tachyon matter. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002(07), 065. 9. Sen, A.(2002). Rolling tachyon. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002(04), 048. 10. Sen, A.(2002). Field theory of tachyon matter. Modern Physics Letters A, 17(27), 1797-1804. 11. Wainwright, C. L.(2012). CosmoTransitions: computing cosmological phase transition temperatures and bubble profiles with multiple fields. Computer Physics Communications, 183(9), 2006-2013. 12. Horodecki, R., Horodecki, P., Horodecki, M.,& Horodecki, K.(2009). Quantum entanglement. Reviews of modern physics, 81(2), 865. 13. Gühne, O.,& Tóth, G.(2009). Entanglement detection. Physics Reports, 474(1-6), 1-75. 14. Vedral, V., Plenio, M. B., Rippin, M. A.,& Knight, P. L.(1997). Quantifying entanglement. Physical Review Letters, 78(12), 2275. 15. Hosmer Jr, D. W., Lemeshow, S.,& Sturdivant, R. X.(2013). Applied logistic regression (Vol. 398). John Wiley & Sons. 16. Kleinbaum, D. G., Dietz, K., Gail, M., Klein, M.,& Klein, M.(2002). Logistic regression (p. 536). New York: Springer-Verlag. 17. Menard, S.(2002). Applied logistic regressio